RELEASES: read as a magazine 


Winter 2024: The First Issue.

Page Two has (re-)launched by carrying over resources and creative content from a previous iteration of the site that served more as a personal portfolio, keeping the theme of exploration alive in this reincarnation.

Maps should form the start of a richer resource for recreational cyclists, but implicitly relate to some early takes on sustainable development.

Meanwhile, while sparse, nascent articles in the “book” sections will start to form initial perspectives on our place in the modern world.

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SECTIONS: read as a book 


A collection of ruminations, commentary, and wisdom striving to motivate more purposeful understanding and action.

Accessible Economics

How the world works: a less academic, more behavioral approach

Digital Business

The “UX” of work: human-, product-, and information-centric

Holistic Environment

Sustainability: natural & built systems, transportation, and health

Modern Thought

Understanding: value-based concepts and education


A repository of artifacts, reviews, and stories from exploring the world at large.


Resources and perspectives: from a novice recreational cyclist


Reactions and summaries: books, music, film, and computer games


Creative output: capturing transient, not picture-perfect, feelings


Thoughts and records: from scattered travels and travails